Scottish Paths Map

Find and plan great walks using our Scottish Paths Map, the best-ever map of the nation’s trails.

Welcome to our Scottish Paths Map, the best-ever map of the nation’s trails.

The map features hundreds of previously-hidden trails and brings together data from numerous partner organisations, as well as paths recorded and audited by around 400 Ramblers volunteers. 

It includes almost 42,000 miles of paths including many not shown on Ordnance Survey maps. 

We hope that it will help you find and enjoy amazing days on Scotland’s paths. 


scottish paths map button

A group of walkers hiking through woodland, using walking poles

Help make the map even better 

While this is the best-ever map of Scottish paths, there is huge capacity for it to expand in future so please consider volunteering to improve the data and record hidden trails.  

Since 2019 our volunteers have completed over 9,000 path surveys and added more than 2,000 newly-mapped paths to our network that total hundreds of miles in length. Volunteers can also help us remove paths from the map where they find that access rights do not apply. 

While we've trained our volunteers to carry out high-quality surveys, path audits will always be subjective. Users should always follow the Scottish Outdoor Access Code. If you have feedback, including about a path on your land, report them here.  

Also, if your organisation could improve the map by donating path data, we'd love to hear from you. 


Plan safe and responsible walks in Scotland 

Wherever you walk in Scotland, to make your walk both safe and enjoyable, please exercise caution and remember the Scottish Outdoor Access Code.  

Remember that, like on print maps, the fact that a path is on our map does not automatically mean that access rights apply. 

Our paths are marked on the map in purple until audited by volunteers. Once audited they are marked in green and include useful details such as the path’s surfacing, condition, waymarking and any obstacles. 

We use OpenStreetMap as our base map, which shows the geographic features that exist on the ground. Remember that access rights may not apply for all these features, such as private gardens or driveways.  

The map can be used on desktop or mobile, wherever there is a signal. Rather than replacing traditional maps, it is instead designed to help you plan journeys, highlight gaps and promote paths and routes.  

This project has received generous funding from players of People’s Postcode Lottery and draws on existing open-source data including Open Street Map© contributors

rolling hills in scottish countryside

Scottish access rights

Thanks to Scotland’s fantastic world-class access rights, you can enjoy walking on nearly all land in Scotland.

A group of six Ramblers walking along a narrow track across moorland

A simple guide to Scottish access rights

How to enjoy Scotland’s world-class access rights, while following the Scottish Outdoor Access Code.