Scottish Council Toolkit

Our annual general meeting is commonly known as Scottish Council.

As well as the formal business, the AGM features presentations from staff, volunteers and members on various topics designed to inspire and provide you with exciting ideas to take back to your groups.

All final papers related to the next Scottish Council AGM business will be added to this toolkit 21 days in advance.  

All members are welcome to attend, only delegates selected to represent their Area or Group can vote on motions or in elections. Each Area can send two delegates (even if your Area committee is in abeyance) and each Group can send one delegate.

Registration is through Eventbrite and this is communicated to members by email in the lead-up to the event.

The Ramblers Scotland Strategic Committee (RSSC) is the national committee who help shape the strategic direction of the work carried out in Scotland and if you’d like to help guide our work by joining then please email

You can find information on Governance and related documents at How We Are Organised.


Toolkit documents for Scottish Council 2025:

AGM papers/ delegate pack: Scottish Council AGM 2025 (pdf, 2.9MB)  l  Motions Order Paper (pdf, 210KB)

MotionsGuidance on Motions (Word, 76.4KB)  l  Short Guide Motions SC2025 (Word, 74.8KB)  l  Motions for Change & Motions Amendments Form (Word, 64KB)  l  Motions and Amendments Form (Word, 66.6KB)

Nomination forms: SC25 Nomination Form Motions Committee (Word, 76KB)  l  SC25 Nomination Form for RSSC Honorary Officers (Word, 88.9KB)

Area & Group Secretary Guidance: Area Group Secretary Guidance (Word, 74.3KB)

Proxy voting: Proxy Voting guide SC2025 (Word, 76.8KB)  l  Proxy Voting Form SC2025 (Word, 78.7KB)

Scottish Council related expensesSC25 Expense Form (Word, 60.2KB)

Venue details: The Merchants House of Glasgow - Getting there (Word, 38.2KB)

Other documents:  Ramblers Scotland constitution and standing orders  (pdf, 133KB/216KB)