Walk leadership online training

Grow your skills and confidence in leading group walks

If you lead walks with the Ramblers or Ramblers Wellbeing Walks, there are two online walk leadership modules for you to complete. These bring the Walk Leader Handbook to life and help you make sure you have the right skills and knowledge to lead group walks. The training is arranged into size useful bite-sized modules, so you can dip in and out, completing the courses at your own pace.  

If you’re interested in building your skills as a walk leader, but don’t volunteer with the Ramblers, you can access training through Ramblers Stride


Walk Leadership Foundations 

In Walk Leadership Foundations, you’ll hear from experienced walk leaders about what makes a great walk and get tips on how to plan and map your route. You’ll delve into the Ramblers’ eight guiding principles to leading group walks and be guided through interactive scenarios that you might face on walk.   

It takes approximately 90 minutes to complete.  



Preventing and Managing Incidents  

In Preventing and Managing Incidents, you’ll find out how to minimise the risk of an incident when you’re leading a walk. You’ll hear from experienced walk leaders about what to take on your walk and gain tips for what to include in a first aid kit. It will also take you through some of the common incidents that can occur on a group walk.  
It takes approximately 60 minutes to complete.  

training library   


What do people say about the training?  

Here’s what some of them have said about our online walk leadership training: 

‘A very informative and insightful course that I took a great deal from-will definitely be encouraging others to complete.’ - James  

‘I enjoyed listening to the experiences of other walk leaders about how they handled the situations.’ - Annie 

‘I enjoyed the course and all the situations that happens on walks and how to deal with them’ - Bernadette 

‘it was very informative and even though incidents a very rare and most walks go well there is always a chance that something could go wrong. So it is important to do some planning and preparation and keep your skill set up to date.’ - Steven 

‘I've done a lot of walking but not much leading. I knew a lot of what the course told me but in my case that's a good thing, it's reassured me that I may be better prepared for leading walks than I realise and it's given me a bit of confidence.’ - Matthew 

Ramblers Stride

Ramblers Stride

Take your passion for walking further by boosting your outdoor skills and knowledge with Ramblers Stride online courses.

Walkers talking on a wide path with overhanging trees

Resources for walk leaders

The Ramblers approach to leading group walks – handbook, templates and guidance for walk leaders.

A walk leader smiling as two walkers pass her.

Getting started as a walk leader

Find out what’s involved in leading group walks and how to get started.

why volunteer

Online Training

Access a wealth of online training for your role in our training library.