Our Fish Supper Night is an open night so feel free to bring friends and family. Please be prompt. Cost £12 (which will include the Irish Bingo). There will also be a display of Irish Dancing by the McCann School of Dance and some games of Irish Bingo. Names to Jean by 29th February.
How to pay - If at all possible please pay by bank transfer quoting Fish Supper in the reference (by 11th March) to:
Name on Account: The Ramblers Association CF5
Name of bank: Unity Trust Bank
Sort Code: 60 83 01
Account Number: 20147998
If it is absolutely impossible to pay by bank transfer you can send a cheque made payable to: The Ramblers Association CF5
to Frances Pogorzelec, 11 Clarence Road, Dundee, DD4 7HP and failing that give cash to Frances.
Please note: If paying by cash or cheque, please add a bank processing fee of 50p for cash and 30p for cheques to your payment.