Join me on a walk between 8 different hostelries in Alton and one in Chawton. We will be venturing out of Alton to The Greyfriars in Chawton after visiting our first Pub The Ivy House. The walk will be longer than the first Pub walk, approximately 5.5 miles. We will be visiting these establishments, The Ivy House, The Greyfriars, The Market Hotel, The Railway Arms, The Swan Hotel, The Ten Tun Tap House, The Wheatsheaf and The White Horse. This time not necessarily in this order after having initially visited The Ivy House and The Greyfriars. There will be group participation in selecting the order of the last 6 hostelries. I anticipate the Pub walk being approximately 5 - 6hrs.
There will be liquid refreshments and snacks available at each stop and we will have a meal at an opportune time. I anticipate spending approximately 30 mins at each hostelry, before moving on to the next. We will be walking through the flood meadows during the walk but all the paths are tarmacked so there will be no mud but shoes with some grip are advisable.
You can expect a range of different establishments in age and decor which will each have their own beers, some with well known local brews. There will also be soft drinks and hopefully hot drinks available at our stops. Unfortunately dogs are not welcome at The Ivy House (Wetherspoons) but you are welcome to join us after this Pub if you have a dog.