- Grid reference:
- SK 19499 69801
- Nearest postcode:
- DE45 1QG
- what3words:
- laugh.simple.occurs
- Start time:
- 9:30 am
Ashford-in-the-Water Car Park.
Take the M18 towards Sheffield. Take the M1 north, leave at Junction 32 and take the A630 towards Sheffield. Take the Ring Road A6102 towards Bakewell to Beauchief. Turn left onto the A621 towards Bakewell to the roundabout with the A619. Take the 2nd exit on the A619 towards Bakewell. After about 3 miles turn right onto the A6020 to Ashford in the Water. After 2.5 miles turn right into Ashford in the Water village. After about 130 yards follow the road round to the left into Church Street. After about 200 yards follow the road round to the right into Fennel Street. After about 100 yards (at the end of the row of cottages) the car park is signposted to the right. There are toilets in the car park and there is an honesty box if you wish to contribute towards the cost of the upkeep of the car park and toilets. The suggested donations are £2 for parking and 20p for the toilet. The car park is small, but there is free parking on the village roads: On Church Street near the church is normally the best place.