The picture-postcard green where we start is said to be one of the longest village greens in England. There are panoramic views from the hilltop chalk ridge above the old cement works: neighbouring counties, Cambridge city landmarks, the enormous chalk quarry, and Mullard Radio telescopes can all be seen. Barrington was a major bricks and cement manufacturer until recently, and local clunch and coprolite excavations revealed a menagerie of beasts from before the last Ice Age.
Public Transport: very limited
Bring packed lunch: we'll eat nearby before we go into Harlton's community owned pub for a drink, or you could pre-order pub food (for 12:30).
Toilets: at Hare and Hounds pub in Harlton
Hiking boots recommended - route can be very muddy
Caution: uneven path through woods with exposed roots, and sloping paths on chalk