Our route starts on the Winchcombe Way, crossing fields & climbing steadily to reach Belas Knap, a restored Neolithic chambered long barrow. Following the Cotswold Way we reach Cleeve Common SSSI & the highest part of the Cotswolds at 330M. We use a sunken lane through a beech wood & return to the common for a break. We then head to Cleeve Hill passing through an Iron Age hillfort & the Cross Dyke to reach a trig point at 317M. Fine views may be available on a good day. Leaving the escarpment we pass The Ring, a circular earthwork, & then return to Winchcombe via Postlip & the Isbourne Way.
Bring packed lunch & water/fluids to drink.
Please text the leader on 07713 772499 if you wish to join this walk.