This walk takes us up the Corbett mountain Ben Rinnes, considered the highest freestanding mountain in Moray. Standing at 841m, it'll be no surprise that it offers incredible expansive views from it's summit. This is considered a challenging walk. A must do for the keen hiker!
This walk will require you to be physically fit as it is a steep walk most of the way. Given the time of year, please bring appropriate clothing i.e. walking boots, warm layers/ extra layers, hats, gloves, and waterproofs. Although it is expected the walk will finish before dark, please bring a torch in case of delays. Please also bring plenty of water and food and snacks.
Please sign up by contacting the walk leader by 7pm the day before.
Rough and rocky terrain, and potentially boggy in parts. However there is a path all the way up.
Please be prepared for winter hill walking.
Participant Kit List Required:
Walking Shoes/ Boots/ Spikes
Extra Layers (inc. hat & gloves)
Walking Poles
Head/ Handheld Torch