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Kilmarnock & Loudoun Group

We are the Kilmarnock & Loudoun Ramblers. We open the way for everyone in our local community to enjoy the pleasures of walking.


Join the Ramblers and enjoy

  • unlimited free access to 50,000 Ramblers group walks
  • a library jam-packed with thousands of tried-and-tested routes
  • a welcome pack teeming with top tips plus our Walk magazine
  • exclusive discounts from our partners
  • knowing your support is opening up more places to walk and helping more people discover the joy of walking


This is a charity walk and a small group of Ramblers  are taking part in the 10k distance. PLEASE NOTE ONLY THOSE WHO HAVE OFFICIALLY ENTERED  & PAID THE ENTRY FEE  (£20) CAN TAKE PART. Please contact Marty Wright if you have not already to express your interest.  

The walk report : the  10k hike takes you around Bochastle Hill, across the Eas Gobhain river, through Coilhallan Woods and into Callander. The hike will follow a circular, anticlockwise route climbing ≈550 ft.


Car sharing from the meeting point at  East Ayrshire Headquarters, London Road, Kilmarnock KA3 7BU is available. We will be leaving at 08:30 . We will be walking at 11:15 / 11:45 (start will take place in groups)

The start and finish point  of the walk is Claish Farm, Callander, Perthshire, FK17 8JJ. .

There is parking available here.

Saturday, 17 May 2025
Meeting time:
8:30 am
Start time:
11:15 am
Estimated finish time:
2:00 pm
10km / 6.2mi

The walk will be led  but it is not a Kilmarnock Ramblers walk. We are however planning to walk as a group. There will be water stops along the route to refill your water bottle.



  • Refreshments available (Pub/cafe)
  • Toilets available
  • Car parking available
  • Car sharing available

Meeting point

Grid reference:
NS 39525 41280
Nearest postcode:
Meeting time:
8:30 am

Meeting point is East Ayrshire Headquarters, London Road, Kilmarnock KA3 7BU for car sharing.

Starting point

Grid reference:
NN 63446 05973
Nearest postcode:
FK17 8JJ
Start time:
11:15 am

The start and finish point is Claish Farm, Callander, Perthshire, FK17 8JJ.

Join the Ramblers and enjoy

  • unlimited free access to 50,000 Ramblers group walks
  • a library jam-packed with thousands of tried-and-tested routes
  • a welcome pack teeming with top tips plus our Walk magazine
  • exclusive discounts from our partners
  • knowing your support is opening up more places to walk and helping more people discover the joy of walking