This is a charity walk and a small group of Ramblers are taking part in the 10k distance. PLEASE NOTE ONLY THOSE WHO HAVE OFFICIALLY ENTERED & PAID THE ENTRY FEE (£20) CAN TAKE PART. Please contact Marty Wright if you have not already to express your interest.
The walk report : the 10k hike takes you around Bochastle Hill, across the Eas Gobhain river, through Coilhallan Woods and into Callander. The hike will follow a circular, anticlockwise route climbing ≈550 ft.
Car sharing from the meeting point at East Ayrshire Headquarters, London Road, Kilmarnock KA3 7BU is available. We will be leaving at 08:30 . We will be walking at 11:15 / 11:45 (start will take place in groups)
The start and finish point of the walk is Claish Farm, Callander, Perthshire, FK17 8JJ. .
There is parking available here.