Call first: Please telephone Janet 07947 881635 to book your place and again the night before to confirm your attendance. Please cancel with the leader if you are unable to attend, do not just fail to turn up on the day, there may be a waiting list.
Car Sharing: It makes sense to car share where possible and there are members who don’t have cars. If you would like to car mention it to the walk leader when you ring to book.
Refreshments: Please bring food and drink. Pubs/cafés are not available unless indicated in the programme.
On the walk: Keep to the path and do not stray over adjacent land. Walk single file when crossing land with crops or seeded areas. Ensure closed gates remain shut. Walk on the right hand side of roads to face the oncoming traffic. Use stiles and do not climb over nearby gates or fences. Tell someone if you wish to drop behind. The person should inform the leader if you don’t rejoin the group in a reasonable time. Always observe the Country Code. Social distancing must
be observed at all times
Clothing and footwear: Wear walking boots (or wellies) and it is advisable to carry waterproof clothing. Face masks, gloves and hand sanitiser are advisable.
Dogs: Dogs are only allowed at the walk leader’s discretion as we often walk in areas where there are sheep and cattle. This does not exclude walkers with “Registered Assistance Dogs”, but please bear in mind the hills and stiles.
Safety: Safety is our paramount concern but accidents will occasionally occur. Each member has a responsibility to identify the hazards and should take steps to eliminate or minimise the potential for an accident. Any accident must be reported to the leader immediately, who will decide if it’s necessary to complete an Accident Form for Head Office.
Programme Secretary: Laraine Welch 07889921435. email: