- Grid reference:
- SP 76212 00252
- Nearest postcode:
- OX39 4BB
- what3words:
- fronted.merely.coaching
- Start time:
- 10:45 am
Chinnor Ridgeway
Nearest Post Code OX39 4BB
what3words below.provide.shallower
Open Loc/Plus code 9C3XM3WX+FJ6
Starting point:
Free parking either side of Hill Road / Chinnor Hill on the edge of the Ridgeway Path. (The road is called 'Hill Road' on the Chinnor side of the Ridgeway and changes to 'Chinnor Hill' to the upper side of it.) We will start from the Wainhill side of the road (the right as you look down toward Chinnor).