Strenuous walk due to its length, hills and mostly at moderately brisk pace.
If anyone would prefer to join us on the top of Chinnor Hill, (there is a car park for the last 9.5 approx miles which would be described as brisk moderate, we plan to have a banana break there while admiring the view over Chinnor at about 12pm.(on the hill, SP767006 WhatThreeWords: guardian.scorecard.number not in the carpark so walk along the main path NNE to get to the main viewpoint). Please let me know in advance so we look out for you.
About 14.5 miles. 555M ascent.
Less accute ascents and descents than my recent strenuous walks from The Plough at Cadsden or Coombe Hill but similar overall ascent strung over a longer distance.
We will pass the disused quarries, ascend steeply through the wood of Oakley Hill nature reserve,
experience some contours of High Wood, Crowell Wood, Venus Wood, Sunley Wood, Chinnor Hill (where we will have a banana break and may rendezvous with new starters for the next 10 miles) and Wain Hill. We'll take the Ridgeway Path to Lodge Hill where we will take a break (please bring a packed lunch).
After lunch we will turn South to Routs Green and take the Chiltern Way to Bledlow and stop at the Lions of Bledlow for some refreshment after the penultimate mile before completing the last one at a leisurely pace.
Well behaved dogs are allowed.
Walk leader: Alan C