This is a coach walk.
The coach starts from Nottinghamshire County Hall, Loughborough Road, Nottingham NG2 7QP at 9.15am and Maid Marian Way (outside Tesco) at 9.30am
For seat reservations contact Paul Wagstaff on 0115 982 1022
Park & Toilets: Hartington
There will be a choice of four walks of varying distance to suit most abilities
A WALK - Leader: Linda or Andy Watts - 12m/20k
Description: An undulating mix of terrains with fabulous views
Route: Hartington, Biggin, Tissington Trail, Coldeaton Bridge, Overdale, Dale Bottom, Narrowdale Hill, Hartington
Description: An undulating mix of terrains with fabulous views
Conditions: Undulating, 1 steep climb, muddy!!!
B WALK - Leader: Randy Barber - 8 miles
Route: A great walk through Beresford Dale and over the shoulder of Narrowdale Hill to Alstonefield. There is a steep descent down Gypsy Bank then a long gradual climb up Biggin Dale before field paths with wonderful views bring you back to Hartington
Terrain: Stout walking shoes or boots are recommended for this one and we may have to consider an alternative route back in very wet conditions - moderate difficulty.
C WALK - Leader: David Dobson - 6.25 miles
Three Dales, River Dove and a nature reserve
Route: Hartington, Beresford Dale, Wolfscote Dale, Biggin Dale, Highfield Lane, Hartington
Toilets, cafes and pubs in Hartington
SHORT C WALK - Leader: Paul Wagstaff - 4.75 miles
Route: Hartington, Dale End, part of Biggin Dale, Reynards Lane, Beresford Dale, Hartington.
Terrain: gentle inclines,a mixture of byways tracks and dale walking
Pub and tearooms plus toilets at Hartington
If you would like to join this walk, please book a place by contacting the Coach Walks Organiser, Paul Wagstaff on 0115 982 1022
Please sign up at least three days prior to the date of walk. If you are unable to attend, please cancel your booking so that someone else can take your place. Please do not turn up for a walk without booking, as we will have to turn you away.
Cancellations received BEFORE 8pm the Thursday preceding the Sunday Coach - NO CHARGE.
Cancellations received after 8pm on the Thursday preceding the Sunday coach will INCUR A £5 CHARGE.