Based on Colin Saunders Guide to The Capital Ring this walk covers stages four and five. The usual mix of urban paved walking interspersed with parks, commons and woodland. Several road crossings.
The beginning of the walk is very hilly but the views compensate. Toilets are few and far between- many of those listed were closed when I checked the route. As ever a London walk always covers interesting historical places or unusual talking points. (Look out for the rare Edward VIII postbox).
Meet outside Crystal Palace Station at 11:00. The station is on the Windrush/Overground Line which intersects with various tube services. The whole walk is ten miles but walkers can drop out almost anywhere as we pass bus and train services regularly along the route. The walk concludes at Wimbledon Park tube on the District Line.
Packed lunch recommended but there are lots of places to buy food or drink along the way.