Starting from the recreation ground car park, we head through Kingham's Plantation gradually dropping down to Priddle's Farm to cross the River Lambourn before joining the Lambourn Valley Way, which we then follow all the way to Boxford. We then head west to Sole Border, turning north-east to drop down to Easton and Easton Farm to join the Permissive Path taking us once again to the River Lambourn and back to Boxford. The route then ascends gradually to cross Boxford Common, subsequently descending through Bagnor Wood to reach Woodspeen, where we once again cross the River Lambourn, making our way back to the cars via Snake Lane. Hopefully there will be plenty of Snowdrops to see along the way, particularly beside the river.
Please bring sufficient food and drink for the day.
Some sections of the route will be very muddy if it rains within the forthcoming week and hence walking boots are recommended.
This walk is limited to 18 walkers so you are requested to book your place online via the link.