An undulating scenic walk with one steady rise of 270’. Good underfoot for anytime of the year with minimal mud or stagnant water. Firle Beacon car park (fee £2.50 for four hours), South Downs Way, descend Tipton Bottom a gradual climb up Heighton Hill to descend to the valley via Gardener’s Hill to Stump Bottom, Blackcap Hill, Blackap Farm to Car Park at Firle Beacon.
Please have water on you and a bite to eat.
Please have ICE in your wallet/purse or on your smartphone and have on you your own first aid kit. ICE is an abbreviation for In Case of Emergency and should include your name and contact details, your next of kin, your GP and contact details, medical and surgical history, known allergies and medication. If you someone relies on you for care please state their contact details and if an animal(s) relies on you please add details.
Text Jill if you would like to join her within two weeks of the day of the walk and at least 24 hrs before the walk. Mobile No: 07938833868
How to get there: From the A27, 3 1/2 miles east of Lewes turn south on a road signed to Firle. Soon fork right on a lane Firle Bostal and follow it to the car park on top of the downs. One can catch the train to Glynde and walk to Firle Beacon. The Ram Inn, is in the Village with a car park, if one wishes to have refreshments following the walk. Landline: 01273 858222