Kirbygrindalythe - Mowthorpe
Meet Squirrel Hall Farm road end (Crook Plantation)
SE912665 9 1/2 Miles
Layby and wide Grass Verge Parking.
Good views over open Wolds and easy walking on rolling hills. Near the Northern most Chalk Stream in England (Gypsey Race).
As per above .
Good views over open Wolds and easy walking on rolling Hills,near to the Northernmost Chalk Stream in England(Gypsey Race).Most of the walk is on the Albanwise Estate (High and Low Mowthorpe and Squirrel Hall.)
Meet Crook Plantation near the entrance to Squirrel Hall Farm approximately 1 Mile South of Kirbygrindalythe. Ref SE912665 9.5 Miles No Dogs
Park on the roadside verge and layby.