A moderate- to brisk-paced linear walk to Hitchin Station led by Thomas G (Mobile Number: 07775 676092) joint with Kensington, Chelsea & Westminster Group over undulating terrain. About 4.5 to 5 hours net walking. Map: E193, L166.
Route: west across A1(M), Old Knebworth, Knebworth House grounds, Graffidge Wood, Rustling End, Easthall Farm, Reynolds Wood, Michael's Hope, St. Paul's Waldem village (lunch stop); Garden Wood, Stagenhoe, Foxholes Wood, Pinfold Wood, Hitch Wood, Lady Grove, Minsden Farm, Preston, Wain Wood, The Warren, Tatmorehills Lane, Charlton, Hitchin Hill, Hitchin Priory, Old Town and St. Mary's Church, backlanes to Hitchin Station.
Lunch: pub lunch at 'The Strathmore Arms' (http://www.thestrathmorearms.co.uk) - or bring picnic.
For further information visit https://www.ramblers.org.uk/go-walking/group-walks/knebworth-hitchin-0