This is a walk beginning and ending at Loch Lomond Shores with a distance of 15km (approx 9miles) and ascent of 285m (approx. 935ft).
We begin by walking along the shores of Loch Lomond and then through the country park and past Balloch Castle. Although we will have been gently ascending from Balloch we will meet a slightly steeper path which will take us through woodland and upwards towards the summit of Knockour. This is not a high hill and any ascents will be taken at a gentle pace which will hopefully be rewarded with lovely views of the loch and the hills beyond so this is an ideal opportunity to get some fresh air and walk to off some of the festive excesses. The route we will take continues onwards and downwards towards the castle once more but we will take a right turn and follow a path alongside the loch back into Balloch and then Lomond Shores and the cars
Sections of this walk can be wet and muddy so strong boots essential and gaiters are recommended.
Toilets are available at Lomond Shores
Please contact me, Agnes Starrs, if you are travelling directly.
When car sharing please be aware of new members, or potential members.