We will lead a 3.4 mile walk through the parkland and woodland at Knole. Expect: ups and downs (none too taxing); grass, mud, tree roots and some firm surfaces underfoot; lots of deer glimpsed through the trees, fungi and autumn colour. For those looking for a shorter walk (firmer underfoot!) the maps provided at the entrance will allow you to make your own choice. Knole is a NT property so free to members (don't forget your card). Non-members pay £6 which includes parking (but all non-members in any car have to pay this) and also entrance to the Gatehouse Tower - fabulous views from the top. You can also include a visit to the magnificent Showrooms for a total cost of £10 on our date. Knole recommend pre-booking tickets (members and non-members) to be sure of getting in, but it shouldn't be a problem on a November weekday. If you wish to pre-book to be sure then it can be done the day before. The link is https://www.nationaltrust-tickets.org.uk/category/32933?branches.branchID=2408 - suggest a 10 or 10.30 slot - why not come early and have a cuppa before the walk? After our walk we can have either a picnic lunch or buy lunch at the cafe (or a combination!). Then climb the tower for the views and a bit of history and, optionally, visit the showrooms in the house.
No stiles, 2 - 2.5 mph (our usual pace).
Registered assistance dogs only.
Picnic lunch or visit the cafe.
No finishing time given due to the different options available.