- Grid reference:
- SK 04709 86955
- Nearest postcode:
- SK22 2LH
- what3words:
- lows.something.roughest
- Start time:
- 10:00 am
Nearest Postcode SK22 2LE (Sportsman Inn)
What 3 Words – ///crumbles.bend.spirits (Sportsman Inn) or ///manager.shallower.early (Bowden Bridge Car Park
Parking is £ 4.70 for the day at Bowden Bridge Car Park, but if you can, subject to spaces, park on the road just before or after the Sportsman Inn on Kinder Road, you will save yourself £4.75 & it’s only a 2-minute walk further up Kinder Road to the Bowden Bridge Car Park from where we will start the walk. Unfortunately, there are No toilets on the car park or walk until we return to the Sportsman at the end of the walk so call in somewhere on your way there if you can.
Directions: - Bowden Bridge Car Park is on Kinder Road Hayfield and is approached from the A624 to Hayfield from the A6 out of Buxton.