A moderate- to brisk-paced linear walk to Horsham Station over undulating terrain led by Thomas G (Mobile Number: 07775 676 092) joint with Kensington, Chelsea & Westminster Group. About 4.5 to 5 hours net walking. Map: EOL34/146, L187.
Route: Weaver's Wood, Wickney Holt, Vann Farm, south to Eversheds Farm, Hopgardens Rue, Fir Copse, Oakwood Mill Farm, Chapel Copse, Oakwood Church, Kiln Copse, Walliswood village, Rose Hill Farm, Wet Wood, Monks Lane, Monks Farm, Chatfolds, Northlands Road, Benland Wood, Warnham Manor (deer farm), Ridge House, Bailing Hill Farm, West Sussex Literary Trail to Horsham Park, through the park to the station.
Lunch: Pub Lunch at 'The Scarlett Arms' in Walliswood (https://www.scarlettarms.co.uk) - or bring a picnic.
For further information about the walk go to https://www.ramblers.org.uk/go-walking/group-walks/ockley-horsham