Starting from the Village Hall Car Park we will head West past the church and across the A603 using the Victoria Carriage Way and permissive field edge paths to move up onto the Mare Way. Descending into Eversden we recross the A603 at the Plough / La Pergola and head up onto the ridge before descending towards Barrington. A short length of road walking brings us to the footpath back to Orwell via Edics Hill. Overall 331 feet of ascent. This is not intended to be a contender for the muddiest walk of the season, however some of the paths have been quite heavily used over Christmas so maybe a bit muddy and squelchy. Good boots and sticks recommended for those that like a little extra support.
The Chequers in Orwell will be open at the end of the walk for those wishing to join the walk leader for a pint. Food is served.
Well behaved dogs Welcome on a lead.