A moderate- to brisk-paced linear walk led by Thomas G (Mobile No: 07775 676092) joint with Kensington, Chelsea & WestminsterGroup featuring beech woods and Thames Valley views. Map: E171, L175.
About 4.5 hours actual walking. Includes a short stretch along the Thames Path, but - if flooded - this can easily be avoided using roads.
Route: south from the station to the Thames by Mill Lane, Thames Path to The Warren wood, track up into Shiplake village, roads and tracks to Shiplake Row and Binfield Heath, Binfield House, Chiltern Way along Bones Lane into Bones Wood, Kingsfarm Lane, footpaths to Cowfields Farm, Rotherfield Greys (pub lunch), Pindars Wood, Greys Green, Greys Court, Park Cottage, northeasterly then southeasterly through Lambridge Wood, Badgemore End, along Friar Park into Henley.
Lunch: 'The Maltsters Arms' pub, Rotherfield Greys, after 6.5 miles (food to order up to 14.30, Tel: 01491 629974, Website: https://www.maltstersarmsrotherfield.co.uk/.)
For further information about the walk please go to https://www.ramblers.org.uk/go-walking/group-walks/shiplake-henley-thames.