More a stroll than a ramble, really, with little mud, lots of paved paths and a lake to walk around before heading back towards the pub, with a slight diversion to play pooh sticks on the Bridge over the River Rhee - no need to bring your own; there are plenty just before we get there.
We start from the only remaining pub in Barrington, where you may park if you’re coming into the pub for refreshment afterwards. We walk on the pavement for the 1st half-mile, and for those who would like a hot drink & perhaps a breakfast bap or piece of cake at that time, I have arranged for a mobile van selling such delights to be parked by the side of Haslingfield Road. Given the short length of the walk and this early stop, there will be no other official stop on the walk.
After coffee, we continue a little way before turning on to a foot/cycle path leading to the housing development called All Saints Gardens where the cement works used to be. I guess they thought it sounded better than Ye Olde Cement Workes. After exploring the area, we head back towards the pub. The chunky chips are very good.