What we do
Annual Path Check
Our Path Checkers are asked to walk all the paths in a parish and report any problems to the Highway Authority. They are also consulted about any proposals for path changes in their parishes and may be asked, where appropriate, to comment on planning applications affecting rights of way.
Once a year we prepare a summary of the state of all paths walked in the area.
We are always looking for new volunteers to take part in path check. If you can help, please get in contact.
Donate a Gate
North Bucks RRIPPLE (Ramblers Repairing & Improving Public Paths for Leisure & Exercise) go out most weeks on a Tuesday, except the 3rd Tuesday of the month when it's Wednesday, to get some fresh air, exercise and to improve the path network of North Bucks.
We run a scheme for individuals, groups, organisations, businesses and parish councils to “Donate a Gate” to help rid the footpath network of some of the most awkward, difficult and derelict stiles that can turn an enjoyable walk into a nightmare. So far, we have installed over 275 gates!
Photo © Steve Daniels (cc-by-sa/2.0)