What we do
Additional information on What we do
Group walks
Our groups organise a varied programme of walks over any given month. We cover a wide area, and you will find walks (short and long) on weekdays, weekends and occasional summer evenings to suit your diary. Take a look at the variety of walks available to you across Worcestershire Area and see what takes your fancy!
Check out our Groups to find out what they are organising – you may even wish to suggest a walk yourself! All ideas are gratefully received by the various Walk Leaders.
Footpath maintenance and other Rights of Way activities
Within our Groups we have a great bunch of volunteers who get together on a regular basis to carry out vital maintenance work, helping to keep our footpaths open and accessible to all. These are called working parties. If you would like to volunteer, you will find all the information within the Group links. However, you can also email the working party coordinator at gmt.b975ah@gmail.com.
Members are also involved in responding to consultations from our Local Authorities on footpath diversions and closures and other planning matters affecting our footpaths. Our Area Footpath Coordinator can be contacted at paths.worcsramblers@yahoo.com.
Working closely with Group Path Officers across the area, we try to influence policy to make sure the path network is maintained and hopefully improved. Individual problems, dodgy stiles etc – should be reported directly to the Worcestershire rights of way team - here's a link https://www.worcestershire.gov.uk/council-services/travel-and-highways/report-road-or-path-issue/report-problem-public-right-way
Social events
When we are not walking, most of our Groups are busy organising social activities which include (but are not limited to):
- Walking holidays and weekends away - both here in the UK and abroad
- Coach day trips (walking and social)
- Nights out at the theatre/cinema/live music events
- Pub lunches and evenings out at restaurants
- Quiz nights
- Area wide events - opportunities to meet fellow ramblers across Worcestershire
So, if you fancy a short walking break during the year, or a midweek pub lunch, take a look at what the various Groups are organising and get in touch to register your interest.
Affiliated walking Groups
In additions to the area’s five main groups we also have seven affiliated groups. For more information, please follow the links
Evesham Rambling Club
Malvern Hills District Footpath Society
Arrow Valley Countryside Group
Droitwich Spa 50+ Walking Group
Halesowen Ramblers
The Across Wales Walk Association
Single Boots