What we do
What are our walks like?
Most of our regular walks take place in Essex and surrounding counties, predominantly to the South and West of the county. Essex is largely a flat county, so the walking is fairly easy! However, some walks are fairly long, and if we venture into Kent or Suffolk, there may be a few hills to contend with.
So, if you’re new to walking you may want to start with a shorter walk on Saturday or Thursday. Each of the walks is graded and this is shown on the programme. If in any doubt about a particular walk, please contact us via the link on this website.
What should I wear?
Boots or walking shoes are recommended as the ground can be rough or muddy, even in summer. You’ll also need waterproof clothing, unless there is no chance of rain.
What about lunch?
On full day walks we stop for a lunch at a pub, but there are always places to eat a packed lunch if you don’t want a meal or pub grub. Many of our walkers do this and come into the pub for a drink afterwards.
On half day walks we usually finish about 12:30 to 1:00pm, and there is usually a pub within striking distance if people want to stay for lunch. Do remember to bring a drink and a snack on all walks.
Can I just turn up?
You can just turn up to a walk. There’s no need to contact the walk leader in advance, unless you need more information. Try to arrive at the meeting point at least five minutes before the advertised start time.
Are dogs allowed?
Dogs are not allowed on Brentwood Ramblers Walks, except for Registered Guide Dogs.
What are the benefits of joining?
When you join, you’ll receive updates on what is going on within the group, details of any programme changes or last minute notices. You will also be able to join any other Rambler Group’s walks if you are interested.
The Ramblers is the country’s leading organisation dedicated to maintaining access to the countryside for us and future generations. Your membership fee goes to supporting the Ramblers in the work it does to ensure the countryside is kept open.
Discover more of the Ramblers work throughout this site.
An additional benefit is that some outdoor shops and other organisations give discounts to Ramblers members.
Can I help with organising?
The group is run entirely by volunteers, so we’re always keen to hear from people who would like to help out! In particular, we need people to lead walks. This isn’t difficult if you’re at all used to walking and can read an OS Map. If you’re interested in helping, please contact the appropriate committee member. For insurance reasons, all walk leaders must be members of the Ramblers.
Footpath Maintenance
A number of our members form working parties for Path Clearance, Bridge Building, Stile Repair etc.
We are always looking for Volunteers. No experience is needed, but if you have some Trade skills, your help would be much appreciated. If you would like to join in this activity, please contact us and we will give you the details of the next working party.
There are a number of photos in our Gallery to whet your appetite.
Group Holidays
Brentwood Ramblers Group Holidays
For details go to Brentwood Ramblers Members Area on our Main Website.
To book onto one of our Holidays, we do require that you are a fully paid up Member of the Ramblers.
Week Away
We normally have one week's walking holiday each year and this is usually during April or May.
In the past we have been to Swanage, Sidmouth, Criccieth, Newquay, Torquay to name but a few.
Weekend Away
We also usually have two weekend walking holidays each year, typically in June and October.
Some previous weekends have included trips to Bournemouth, Eastbourne, Lincoln, Wantage and Bristol.
Coach Rambles
There are several Coach Rambles each year where we complete a section of a Long Distance Path. These usually take place on a Sunday.
In the past we have completed the Greensand Way, The High Weald Landscape Trail, to name a couple.
Keep an eye out for information on our upcoming Coach Rambles in the Newsletter