What we do
East Devon Members: Stop Press, Newsletter and Social Events, etc.
The East Devon AGM for 2024 was held on Sunday 17th November
at Newton Poppleford Village Hall,EX10 0ER.
Committee Member Update.
- With the exception of the Secretary, all the current committee had indicated that they were willing to re-stand for their relevant positions. As there were no other nominations, they were voted in en- bloc.
- For the position of General Secretary there was one applicant, Liz Tapper who was proposed by Ted Swan and seconded by Naomi Lott.
There being no further applicants, Liz’s position was confirmed.
The full minutes of the meeting are downloadable by clicking below.
Group Newsletter "Ramblings"
Welcome to East Devon Ramblings.
This is your Newsletter to keep you in touch with what is going on within the group and to keep you up to date with various news items.
With your help and input, we aim to produce three ‘Ramblings’ a year, interspersed with the Walks Programmes. Please make any contributions (text or photos) to Eve Maunder (yvonnemaunder@googlemail.com).
Latest: Winter 2024/5 (Issue 4)
Click below to download the previous issue(s).
Summer 2024
Spring 2024
Winter 2023/4
Leaders' Workshop
Are you an East Devon Rambler member who enjoys our walks but haven’t considered leading one? Or perhaps you have considered it but are not sure where to start – in both senses? Or maybe you would like to gain a little confidence before taking the next step?...
To help you decide the ED Ramblers Committee will be running a second workshop for new walk leaders in Autumn 2024.
(You are welcome if you have already led a walk and want a bit of support before volunteering again or are a complete newbie to the pleasure of walking at the front.)
The exact content will depend on what participants want and need, but will include sections on:
- Finding and planning your route.
- Handy hints on navigation and simple map reading.
- What to think about on the walk day.
- Plus, a short practice walk led by participants working together.
To register your interest in joining the new walk leader workshop, or just to have a chat about what it involves, contact April on 07922 651426 or edramblerssocial@gmail.com.
Our Group always needs new leaders to come forward so that our busy walks programme can continue. Please join in if you can.
Don’t forget, we always offer help with getting started as a leader such as giving you route ideas and help to recce. If you are a new member in East Devon, but an experienced walk leader just waiting to be asked to lead, don’t wait!
Jas will be delighted to hear from you on 01297 552313 to arrange your first walk for East Devon
Social Events and Activities
Payments for Social Events by Bank Transfer
Our bank has now imposed a fee for each cheque deposited in our account. In order to minimise our costs, it would be very helpful if members would pay for social events by bank transfer, which is free, quicker and more convenient for the organiser.
Bank details are: Account Number 20150354 Sort Code 60-83-01
- Please identify your payment with your name, and advise the organiser.
- If you are unable to pay in this way, we will continue to accept cheques.
Look carefully through the programme, there are often a number of walks with the possibility of food and beverages afterwards.
- Some Friday half day walks may offer an optional lunch at the end, usually in a public house, and some all-day walks may finish at a cafe for tea and cake.
- It is always good to support local cafes and hostelries especially those that have kindly let us use their car parks for our walks.
- The monthly Thursday evening walks in the summer almost certainly finish with a drink option.