What we do
For more information about NE Hants group visit our website https://nehantsramblers.org.uk/
Social activities
Our group has an active social programme including quiz nights, skittles, 10 pin bowling and traditional games. The highlight of the year is the October Weekend. This is a three night with occasional four night break staying in good walking country around the UK. Our weekends have been based in Somerset, Derbyshire Dales, Lincolnshire Wolds, Isle of Wight, North Wales, Cornwall and Devon.
Rights of Way (Footpaths, Bridleways etc.) Surveys
The group is active in rights of way work, with representatives from the group covering parishes in Hart and Rushmoor districts. Rights of way are checked regularly and any problems are reported to Hampshire County Council. We aim to to keep the rights of way in our area in good order, easy to use and well way marked.
Volunteers are always needed to help with this work.
Rights of Way Maintenance
The group assists Hampshire County Council in maintaining rights of way including vegetation clearance, waymarking, installing kissing gates and building boardwalks.