What we do
Join us!
To join our group simply register and choose Sedgemoor group. As a member you’ll receive savings on walking gear, gadgets and more with exclusive discounts from our partners, you’ll also get access to the exclusive Ramblers app and the online routes library. Plus, you’ll be the driving force behind preserving and improving the paths, tracks and trails we all love.
We look forward to meeting you and walking with you soon.
Volunteering opportunities
We encourage our members to get involved with volunteering by leading group walks. Training and support is provided by the Ramblers and our experienced walk leaders locally.
Sedgemoor Ramblers will organise free courses to train new and experienced walk leaders if required. Get in touch if you are interested in leading a group walk.
Footpath maintenance
In addition to organising group walks, Sedgemoor Ramblers work with Somerset County Council to help maintain footpaths, replace damaged stiles and gates and monitor footpath diversion applications, plus anything that affects where we walk.
We are also supporting the Ramblers Don’t Lose Your Way campaign to claim additions to the definitive map of rights of way, based on historical usage.