What we do
Changes from Ramblers centrally have enabled us to move away from the formal thrice yearly walks programme and we are now running a rolling monthly programme facilitated by the hard work of our walk leaders and tech guru, Carl. With a now flexible and agile approach we are able to, at short notice, add further walks relatively easily and on any of the days of the week to suit the wishes of members. So, keep regularly checking the website for updates and if you are a member of our particular group join our WhatsApp group. Contact Tim on 07753 172002 or email S W Sussex Ramblers - Contact . We also run a supplementary website, link https://sws-ramblers.org.uk/
We always hope to be able to offer a full range of walks provided by our team of walk leaders. We are continually looking for members to step up to the plate, particularly in offering weekday walks over 4 to 7 miles, leading fellow members along their favourite countryside and coastal highways and byways in this lovely part of England. There is plenty of support from Ramblers and from within our Group. Do, please, contact Tim as above to discuss.
Group walks
Walking in the company of others is good for your mind, soul and body. Preparation though is essential to ensure you don't diminish these benefits. Check out the guidance notes on our dedicated Group Walks page, Website - Group Walks.docx
Social Events
In previous years we have run annual dinners, BBQ's, skittles evenings, quiz nights, cream teas, sunrise walks preceding cooked breakfasts, bring your children, grandchildren to a walk morning. What would you like to do? Send ideas for what we might get up to by email, to Jane, our Social Secretary at S W Sussex Ramblers - Contact
As well as the ever present need to look to the membership for Walk Leaders, there are other opportunities to add value to your Ramblers membership through volunteering on behalf of the group. Further information is set out our dedicated Volunteering page. Website - Volunteering.docx