What we do

Managing our walks programme 

Walk coordinators compile the programme for each of our four walking groups. Leaders must be registered as volunteers and carry out pre-walk safety assessments using the appropriate Ramblers Template ( https://www.ramblers.org.uk/go-walking-hub/resources-walk-leaders,). For some walks, it is necessary to pre-book by telephoning the leader. 

Unless stated in our programme, only Registered Assistance Dogs are permitted on our walks. Owners must follow the rules relating to dogs

Walkers are encouraged to share car journeys. Drivers are asked to accept a voluntary contribution of £4 from each passenger. 

Walkers should check our website before setting out, since occasionally walks may be cancelled at the last minute. 

clapper bridge

Dealing with path problems and missing paths 

One of our aims is to keep local footpaths clear of obstructions/vegetation for the benefit of all users. We are also keen to improve and add to the footpath network locally, with several members volunteering as part of the ‘Don’t Lose Your Way’ project which aims to restore ‘lost’ paths all over the country.  

If you want to know more about this initiative or come across any path problems then please contact our Footpath Officer on trevorwalk54@gmail.com or 01803 782348 

FFT info Board


The Franklin Legacy Fund 

We were left a legacy in 2015 by a former member, Mr Edward Franklin, which is being used to benefit walkers in our area of Devon and support the group’s programme of walks and activities. To date we have created new local routes such as the Franklin Totnes Trail, the Totnes Measured Mile and contributed funds to the Dartmoor Way.  

Click here for a link to the Franklin Trail Leaflet 

We have also helped improve stretches of the Coastal Path and paths on Dartmoor and around the Dartington Estate. If you have any suggestions for possible future projects then please contact the chair of the Franklin sub-committee on  annamlunk@gmail.com or 01803 762751. 

Garden Party

Par to Fowey Sept 2023

Enjoying a rest on the Par to Fowey walk Sept 2023

Local walks and events around Totnes 

Totnes is a captivating town set on one of Britain’s most picturesque and historically significant waterways, the River Dart. It’s a great place to visit any time of the year no matter what the weather brings. For details of local events and activities; reference to a book of 8 walks around Totnes; the 9 mile Dart Valley Trail and other walks see www.visittotnes.co.uk  

Key nearby routes are the: Franklin Totnes Trail, Totnes Measured Mile, John Musgrave Heritage Trail (link to home page https://www.southdevonramblers.com/content.php?id=jmht_the_trail, Dartmoor Way). and Devon walks with GPS for walks to Ashprington, Dartington, Buckfastleigh and other routes.