
A hilly circular walk from Blackbury Camp Iron Age hill fort, nestled in a bluebell woodland, via scenic country lanes, rolling hills and a brief beach stroll.
8.0 miles (12.9 km)
Walking time:
04h 30m

Start location

Blackbury Camp Hill Fort, EX24 6JE

lat: 50.7253833

lon: -3.1506252




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Getting there

Stagecoach South West 9A; Axe Valley Mini Travel 52. Alight at Three Horseshoes on A3052 between Sidford and Seaton, then footpath (steep climb for 1 mile). Blackbury Camp car park is just off B3174/A3052.



From the car park, turn left along the road. Then turn left at a public bridleway into woods. You’ll come to a seasonal stream, which should have a makeshift bridge across. Once over, continue straight ahead uphill. Turn left onto the main road for about 300 metres (take extra care here and avoid during rush hour) past new builds. Then take the footpath on the right. Head over a stile, veer left through a field towards a gap in a hedge and go through the farm gate. Head across this field, then through the right-hand, lower of two, farm gates. Go right over a cattle grid, before heading downhill on the track. Just after the second telegraph pole, follow the footpath through a gate on the left. The path will snake around the thatched Baldash Cottage. You will have to walk for 300 metres along the main road here, take extra care and avoid during rush hour.


Go past the hexagonal garden building at the back of Baldash Cottage, into woods. Take the right-hand lower path through woods. Go past a woodland house and continue ahead on the drive. Take the lower right-hand fork, then cross over a bridge to a row of thatched cottages.


Head along the lane past Hole Mill and continue up the lane. Continue on the lane as it veers right then left. Carry on the lane with sweeping views of the valley to your left. Go straight over a cattle grid ahead. Follow a path into a churchyard through the main gate and continue past a yew tree. You need to cross two stiles next, head up steps and over another stile. Follow signs to Branscombe Mouth and take the path down to the beach – there are beautiful views of the bay as you walk down the hill. You can visit the Sea Shanty Beach Café for tea, cake and ice cream.


Follow the tarmac path to the left of the café (with the sea behind you). This will become a gravel path running alongside a stretch of pasture. Cross a bridge, take an immediate right, crossing over another bridge and follow the lane to T-junction in the village.


Take a right at the T-junction (or left for the pub). Follow the road up, take the left-hand fork. Right onto Seller’s Wood Hill, left at the T-junction, following road towards Sidmouth. At a staggered junction, turn right and then take first left to the main road.


Cross the main A3052 road again, diagonally right, taking extra care, and follow the lane as it snakes up. Continue along the lane through the woods, then follow a sign left, back towards Blackbury Camp. Take extra care as you cross over the main A3052 road.


This route was published in the Spring 2021 issue of Walk magazine.

Problem with this route?

If you encounter a problem on this walk, please let us know by emailing If the issue is with a public path or access please also contact the local highways authority directly, or find out more about solving problems on public paths on our website.

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