
There’s something very special about Cresswell beach, where families stroll on the wide sands and the remnants of ancient forests peek out of the peaty under-layer. The route continues through nature reserves and open country.
8.5 miles (13.7 km)
Walking time:
03h 30m

Start location

Cresswell Towers Resort entrance (NZ291933).

lat: 55.2332065

lon: -1.5434359




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Getting there

Bus number 1 between Blyth and Widdrington (0344 8004411,

Cresswell is just off A189 .There are several car parks in and around Cresswell.



From the entrance to Cresswell Towers, turn right and walk downhill to the junction. Look for a signpost on the left, marked England Coast Path. Go through the dunes to the beach and turn left, enjoying the glorious views of Druridge Bay.


Where an inlet leads up to Cresswell Pond, look out for pieces of wood sticking out of the beach (A) Follow the inlet up to the road, turn right across the bridge, then take a signed path into a field to the right. Follow the path through the field to a gate, then turn left along a sandy track to return to the road. (A) The chunks of wood protruding from the beach here are preserved remnants of an ancient forest that's estimated to be around 7,000 years old.


Cross the road, then continue into Cresswell Pond Nature Reserve, crossing Cresswell Causeway and continuing along a green lane lined with hawthorn, dog rose and bramble.


Just past a metal barrier at a cross road, there are options for short-cuts. The main route bends right, passing reed beds to emerge on the main road. To shorten route turn left and follow path past caravan site. Go over crossing path and take left fork to reach a road. Turn left and follow it back to the start (About 25 minutes).For an alternative short cut, continue ahead past the caravan site to join Warkworth Lane. At main road, turn left and walk to re-join route at waypoint 7.


Turn left, then cross carefully to take the first road on the right, signed Ulgham. Follow the road past Linton Burn, then turn left to pass North Linton Farm. Look for a stile on the left, signed Ellington.


Cross the stile, turn right and walk round the field edge. At the end of the next field, go straight ahead along a narrow track, aiming for the pylon. Cross the footbridge and a stile, then turn right to follow the edge of the field. At a thicket of trees, look for a faint path leading straight ahead. Cross the stile by the footbridge and turn left.


At the roundabout, go straight ahead into Ellington. Pass the pub, the village hall and a new housing estate. Just past a bus shelter (taking a moment to look at the monument (B) opposite the old Ellington Colliery Institute) Turn left and then right into First Row. At the end of First Row, the path becomes a vehicle track that leads past Cresswell Home Farm and emerges on the coast road. (B) A monument and a pair of information boards commemorate Ellington Colliery – once the largest under-sea coal mining operation in Europe


Cross over, then turn left, aiming for a green-topped signpost. When the path returns to the road, cross to the other side where the verge is wider, and continue back into Cresswell.

Problem with this route?

If you encounter a problem on this walk, please let us know by emailing If the issue is with a public path or access please also contact the local highways authority directly, or find out more about solving problems on public paths on our website.

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