Come and join us on a Thursday for a friendly sociable walk!
We are an informal walking group based in Dartmouth. Anyone is very welcome to join our walks, but you do so entirely at your own risk. Listed walks may be changed or cancelled at short notice, for example should inclement weather make walking conditions unsuitable or hazardous. There is no charge for attending these walks, all we ask is that you bring enough money to join us for refreshments at the end if you would like to; and for the ferry where indicated in the ‘Location’ column with (£).
The Walk Levels shown give an indication of the difficulty of the walk. Level 1 is an easy walk of less than an hour using mostly flat, hard surfaced paths with no steep hills or steps. Level 3 walks can use a variety of footpaths, roads and tracks, some of which may be uneven, muddy and slippery. These walks may involve steps, inclines and stiles and will usually take over two hours. Additional Information: - Please wear suitable clothing (layers are best) and comfortable, supportive footwear. - Light coloured clothing is recommended where walks involve using busy roads. - Dogs are welcome on the walks. Please clear up after them and ensure they are on a lead at all times. - Please bring a bottle of water on warm days. - Please bring medication with you if required. For more information about the walks please ring John on 07570 848446 or email