Meet at The Bandstand on the Quay in Kingsbridge, every Wednesday at 10:00am. The walk stops at a point of local interest with some local history and optional refreshments stop around 10:45am (Purchased at your own cost). This walk is suitable for people who have not walked much before, are looking to be more active, or are returning from injury or illness. They are up to 30 minutes on flat ground or gentle slopes with mainly firm surfaces and accessible to pushchairs and wheelchairs. Learn a bit more about our town’s history, mysteries, gardens and wildlife, and enjoy a chat with our free led group walk. This old style (grade 1) walk is suitable for those wanting a gentle, interesting walk with company and those who do little or no exercise and want to take the first steps to becoming active. If you have any questions about the walk, please contact Chris Barnwell 07903428271 -