The walk meets in Rainham Recreation Groumd.
The walk meets at 10.00am.
The Ramblers Wellbeing Walks in Medway (also known as Medway Health Walks) invite you along to one of our new for 2023, Walk in the Park sessions.
These walks are around 30 minutes with plenty of rest stops. Ideal for new walkers to walking.
To help walk leaders and walkers achieve a safe and enjoyable walk, we ask that participants respect any guidelines or pre-planned routes that have already been mapped, walked and risk assessed to ensure the most positive experience.
We also have a number of visitors who come to Medway and join our walks to learn new areas that they can return to in their own time.
Our walks are designed to support those who need to move a little more to benefit their health whilst enabling them to enjoy their local area with the company of others.
When a walk has no walk leader, then we advise you go for a walk yourself so you do not miss out.
First timers will be asked to pre-register via our advice centre on the contact details provided.
Walkers may be told about hazards that may be present to the group.