Supporting other volunteers

Everything you need to support other volunteers

Updating volunteer & role details  

If you need to record a new volunteer or volunteer role, please use the new volunteer or role form


Update offline training 

If you need to update us about training that has taken place offline, please fill out the Update Offline Training Spreadsheet and email this to

New volunteer or role

New Volunteer or Role Form

Provide the details of any new volunteer or any new roles for existing volunteers here.

Three Ramblers walking and talking on a treelined path

Update Offline Training Spreadsheet

Use our offline training spreadsheet to update your details with course and completion date.

More about volunteering

a volunteer using a hammer to nail in a sign to a fencepost

Volunteer Opportunities

Find the right role for you and help us make a difference.

Three walkers stopping for a chat surrounded by greenery

Online Training

Access a wealth of online training for your role in our training library.

Walk leadership

Walk leadership

Whether you are a walk leader for Ramblers, one of our affiliated groups or an entirely different walking group, the information here will give you some tips and ideas wherever you are on your walk leader journey.