Starting from Walbury Hill car Park we walk towards Combe village taking a footpath with a steep incline up Sugglestone Down. We pass Hogs Hole and Highdown to reach Linkenholt for our break. We then follow the Teat Way and turn off through Combe Wood climbing up Wadsmere Down to SH 267 before walking down to the Saxon Church by Manor Farm to reach Combe village and the final climb up to the Wayfarers Walk and the car park.
Please note: This is not a walk for the feint hearted. There are three hills, the first is long and steep and challenging in places. The second hill is steep but short, the third hill is relatively easy going in comparison. There are two stiles that are slippery when wet.
The weather may be wintery so warm and waterproof clothing advised. Bring food and drink for elevenses. Numbers are not limited but please car share if you can as car parking is limited.
Please remember to use the online booking system