Britain's Favourite Path

Which path will be crowned Britain’s favourite this summer?

This summer, we’re on the search for Britain’s Favourite Path.

Whether criss-crossing the countryside or weaving through our cities, paths have connected us with nature, and each other, for centuries. It’s time for them to have their moment in the sun. So this summer, we’ve teamed up with Cotswold Outdoor to find Britain’s Favourite.

We launched our search back in July and since then, the response has been fantastic. Hundreds of you, from all across Great Britain, have got in touch to share your favourite path and what it means to you. And we’ve treasured seeing every single one. 

Now, it’s over to our expert judges to whittle the entries down into a shortlist before we hand over to the public to crown Britain’s Favourite Path.  

Voting will open on Monday 23 September so make sure to save the date, keep your eyes peeled on social media and cast your vote! 

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How the competition works 

From July until 8 September, we invited people from all across Great Britain to send us a picture of their favourite path and explain why they love it so much.  

Now, our panel of judges are working to whittle down the entries to a shortlist of eight, one for each of our eight locations: North East England, North West England, Midlands, East England, South West England, South East England, Wales and Scotland.  

Those eight will be put out to a public vote and the winner will be crowned Britain’s Favourite Path.  

More info

A path heading down to the coast with greenery on either side.

Britain's Favourite Path terms & conditions

Please find our competition terms and conditions here.

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Footpath through woods with a large red and white footpath closed sign in front of it

Will you help protect Britain’s precious paths this summer?

Paths connect us to nature and to each other. But too often, they are overlooked, underloved, and under threat. Will you help us step up for precious paths?