Distant church

The Winchester Ramblers

We are a friendly group with a comprehensive programme of about 250 walks a year and an active social programme. We also work to protect paths and the local countryside.

There is usually a short walk on Tuesday from The Bell in St Cross. This is where to start if you are unsure of your fitness.

Thursday is our main walking day with a variety of distances. Sundays have walks in the 7 to 10 mile range. Monday is the day for longer and more challenging walks. Please book a place on these walks as some reach the practical limit. You can sign up for email alerts.

Give us a try

You are welcome to attend up to three of our walks before joining The Ramblers. Please book a place with the walk leader using the link on the description of the walk.

Where we walk

Mostly we walk throughout the area from the New Forest to North Hampshire. Occasionally we take a trip further afield to London, Portsmouth or Poole.

Winchester Walking Weekend

Our next Winchester Walking Weekend will be 20 to 22 June 2025. We are inviting the public to join in walks of varying lengths, starting and finishing outside the Cathedral.

Protecting the countryside

Major work is about to start on Junction 9 of the M3. When it is finished there will be a much improved pedestrian crossing and access to the adjacent countryside thanks to our representations and those of the cycling and equestrian groups.

We have recently acquired additional equipment to help with clearing of footpaths and our "PathWatchers" volunteers are keeping an eye on the state of the network.

Visiting Winchester

We have recently revised our booklet “14 Walks in and around Winchester”. This has six walks starting from the Guildhall (two with pushchair friendly variations) and seven accessible by public transport. Copies are available from the Tourist Information Centre.

You may also be able to book a place on one of our walks, though these are usually some distance away and will take a half or full day.


Join the Ramblers and enjoy

  • unlimited free access to 50,000 Ramblers group walks
  • a library jam-packed with thousands of tried-and-tested routes
  • a welcome pack teeming with top tips plus our Walk magazine
  • exclusive discounts from our partners
  • knowing your support is opening up more places to walk and helping more people discover the joy of walking

Join the Ramblers and enjoy

  • unlimited free access to 50,000 Ramblers group walks
  • a library jam-packed with thousands of tried-and-tested routes
  • a welcome pack teeming with top tips plus our Walk magazine
  • exclusive discounts from our partners
  • knowing your support is opening up more places to walk and helping more people discover the joy of walking