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Oxfordshire Area

If you enjoy walking and nature, whilst chatting with like-minded people, join Oxfordshire Ramblers on a led walk through the Oxfordshire countryside.

Join the Ramblers and enjoy

  • unlimited free access to 50,000 Ramblers group walks
  • a library jam-packed with thousands of tried-and-tested routes
  • a welcome pack teeming with top tips plus our Walk magazine
  • exclusive discounts from our partners
  • knowing your support is opening up more places to walk and helping more people discover the joy of walking


Oxfordshire Ramblers AGM

The Oxfordshire Ramblers Annual General Meeting will be on Saturday 20 January 2024 in Charlbury War Memorial Hall, Brown’s Lane, Charlbury, Oxon OX7 3QW, hosted by West Oxfordshire Group.

1030      5-mile Leisurely walk starting from the Spendlove Centre car park in Charlbury (SP357196, OX7 3PQ).

1300      Bring your own picnic to eat in the hall

1330      AGM

The AGM will start with a presentation by Ramblers Trustee, Lucy Armitage. The AGM will be followed by Tea/Coffee/cakes

The main purpose of the AGM is to accept the Annual Report and to elect members of the Area Council for the forthcoming year. David Godfrey, our Area Footpath Secretary, and Wendy Mannix, our Area Membership Secretary, are stepping down at the AGM and so  we currently have the following vacancies:

  • Area Footpath Secretary (South Oxfordshire)
  • Area Membership Secretary
  • Area Publicity Officer
  • Member without portfolio

Please consider whether you would be able to volunteer for one of these roles (the procedure for nominations to Area Council is shown below).


The hall will be open from 10 am. Car parking in Charlbury is limited, please use the train or bus service if possible. There is limited parking for the disabled, so one is recommended to park near the Co-op in Brown’s Lane (the Spendlove Centre) approximately 200 m from the War Memorial Hall.

Public transport options include S3 bus from Oxford Station or Paddington train via Reading and Oxford.


Please note the following requirements from our Constitution and Standing Orders:

Motions or Proposals for consideration at the AGM

Motions or Proposals for consideration must be submitted in writing to the Area General Secretary before the meeting.

Procedure for nominations and elections to Area Council

An Area officer or Members’ Representative who is already on Area Council and who is prepared to serve for another year should inform the Area General Secretary of their willingness to do so.

Procedure for nominations and elections to Area Council

Any member not already on Area Council and wishing to stand for election to an Area officer post or as a Members’ Representative should inform the Area General Secretary of this and be proposed and seconded by two other members at least seven days before the AGM. This procedure also applies to a member who is on Area Council and who wishes to take on a different or additional role. In the event of more nominations being received than there are places, an election will be held at the AGM. The potential representatives will each have two minutes to address the meeting and will then be asked to leave the room, and a show of hands will be taken with the candidates being outside the room. The number of votes cast for each candidate will be recorded and the result announced after the candidates have returned to the room.

Richard B.

Meeting point

Grid reference:
SP 35737 19545
Nearest postcode:

Charlbury War Memorial Hall, Brown’s Lane, Charlbury, Oxon OX7 3QW

Join the Ramblers and enjoy

  • unlimited free access to 50,000 Ramblers group walks
  • a library jam-packed with thousands of tried-and-tested routes
  • a welcome pack teeming with top tips plus our Walk magazine
  • exclusive discounts from our partners
  • knowing your support is opening up more places to walk and helping more people discover the joy of walking