Walking in Oxfordshire
We’re all about walking and talking. Whether you’re looking for people to walk and socialise with or want to help improve the paths we all walk on, or both, there’s something for you with Oxfordshire Ramblers.
Why not start by coming along on one of our walks and seeing if the Ramblers is for you? The first three are free, giving you the chance to see for yourself what Ramblers can offer before you to sign up.
Our walking community
Our walks include short and long ones, on weekdays and weekends, and occasional trips away, with people like you. These activities are organised by our 10 Groups. Eight of these are geographically based around the county, so there will be walks near you.
That said, you are welcome to walk with any and all of our groups. The other two groups are our Hike Oxfordshire and Oxon Weekend Walkers for people who are usually occupied during the week.
Some of our groups have path maintenance teams, we coordinate parish paths wardens throughout the county, and have a course for new walk leaders in autumn.
Want to see what walking with Ramblers is like? Have a look at the video made by our Oxon Weekend Walkers group. You can see it on their website or on YouTube.
Oxfordshire Area AGM
The Oxfordshire Ramblers AGM is on Saturday 25 January 2025 at the Eynsham Village Hall, hosted by Oxon Weekend Walkers. The day starts with a 5-mile leisurely walk leaving from Back Lane Car Park at 1030. We aim to arrive back before 1300 to allow time for members to have a drink and eat their packed lunch in the village hall.
The AGM will start at 1330 with a presentation from our guest, Clive Sanders, Ramblers Chief Commercial Officer. We will then go through the formal business of the AGM whilst looking at some of the highlights of the past year and challenges of the coming year.
The AGM Agenda, Minutes of the last meeting, Accounts and the Annual Review will all be found on the Oxfordshire Ramblers website shortly before the AGM:
Photo © Colin Smith (cc-by-sa/2.0)