An undulating walk from Martin Down Nature Reserve to Broad Chalke in Wiltshire, passing through the lovely woods of Vernditch Chase and Moody’s Gore, currently full of bluebells and wild garlic. We will stop for coffee on Knighton Hill with far reaching views before descending to the picturesque village of Broad Chalke for a picnic lunch. We return via Knowle Hill, the Ox Drove and a different path through Vernditch Chase.
In Vernditch Chase there is debris and deep tyre ruts to negotiate from recent forestry work. It would have been horrendously muddy a couple of weeks ago but was dry on the pre-walk.
There are 5 stiles and a steep grassy descent with steps at the bottom.
Bring a picnic lunch, drinks and snacks as required.
Please let the leader know you are coming as we may set off early if all known walkers have arrived.