From Newgate Bank car park northwards towards Brockhill Woods, crossing the B1257 and turning southwards to pick up the path to Shaken Bridge and on to Hawnby Bridge. Across fields to Easterside Farm, we pick up the path again at Wass House to Laskill Bridge. A short section along the B1257 leads to a loop through the woods, re-crossing the road to Feather Sike Wood, and returning to the car park via Newgate Plantation. About 11 stiles, and one gate to clamber over.
There are two sections of c. 150 yards along the B1257, and we cross the B1257 4 times in all. About 1.4 mile in total along local roads. Can be wet underfoot in some sections, and muddy/slippery in a couple of places (all weather dependent of course). A stick would be useful.
Tea and scones afterwards at The Owl in Hawnby - scones require ordering, so please let the walk leader know if you would like a scone as soon as you can after booking. Link to Google Maps for the car park at The Owl :
Booking essential at