Adlington Rd CP, Bollington
SJ9307078045 SK10 5HG
10 am start. 5 miles, moderate walk
Route: Middlewood Way & Canal Towpath to Clarke Lane, field path to Rally Road, Endon House, Windmill Lane, path up from Junction of Lidgetts Lane/Kerridge Road to Saddle of Kerridge, along ridge to White Nancy, stepped path down and track to Waulkmill, roads through Bollington to the Clarence Mill (toilets available), cross canal and across recreation ground back to car park.
Moderate due to the steep stepped descent from White Nancy and the amount of mud likely in places - if the weather is very wet in January the climb from Lidgetts Lane junction could be slightly challenging for the less agile among us, but if the weather on the day is clear the views will be worth it. Wear suitable footwear for rough, muddy ground and bring poles if you use them.
Please bring drinks and snack for a coffee stop.