- Grid reference:
- ST 82427 60692
- Nearest postcode:
- BA15 1DQ
- what3words:
- clown.sleepless.album
- Start time:
- 10:00 am
Walk will start from the Bradford on Avon railway Station car park . Frome Road, Bradford-on-Avon, BA15 1DQ. 80 p All day parking on Sunday Cash or MiPermit location code 710129. Park in zone B-long term parking. Meet by toilet block.
Directions to Bradford on Avon Station BA15 1LF : M4 to Jct 18 South on A46 for approx 10 miles to turn right onto A363 signed "Monkton Farleigh, Bathford" follow this to Bradford on Avon. At the roundabout in the centre of Bradford turn right over the bridge. The station is right at the next roundabout.