Postcode DH6 4RJ
What3words/// gala.shirtless.bath
Cassop Village in County Durham is on the B6291. The easiest way to get there is to go down the A19 and turn off on to the A181 towards Durham, and then after 4 miles turn left down the B6291 to Cassop.
Parking is on the street. There may be toilets available at the Community Centre (if it is open, they have said that it will be opened for us).
The walk starts by going through Cassop Vale National Nature Reserve and is then generally along paths across pasture land (where there will be grazing sheep or horses or cattle in some of the fields). We also walk along a paved road that leads past a quarry. There are some gradients, but they are mostly fairly gentle and rest halts will be made. There are at least 12 stiles. On the day of the recce there were several muddy sections, so gaiters and sticks will be useful. There are fine views of the Durham countryside and the Cathedral can be seen in the distance. After the walk we may take some refreshment at The Three Horseshoes on the A181 (DH1 2SR).